We have created a monthly pop-up event which we call FINAL FRIDAY, with a wine & cheese reception from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with regular gallery hours 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. As art is purchased the client is encouraged to take it with them and the artist will put another piece in its place. The last week of each month some artists will remain displaying new work while others may rotate out and return with new work for a later month. This is especially important for locals who can attend FINAL FRIDAY every month and see new work!

Kristos Lezama
Kristos is originally from Mexico City and has been engulfed in the creative worlds of music, graphic arts, and creative arts his entire life. What started as doodling on napkins to pass time evolved to his work on paper and canvas. He starts his work with no expectations and allows his subconscious creative process to frantically flow from start to finish in one session.